US State Department Send Digital Experts to Talk with BU Digital Forensics Faculty

On November 21st the digital forensics experts belonging to the Dutch Child Exploitation Team requested interviews from MET faculty digital forensics faculty upon recommendation from the US State Department. They were seeking to understand how we teach Digital Forensics in our cyber security program. Visiting digital expert, Dr. E.H.A. Kuijl (Eric) described how incident response worked in his country, and illustrated the practices and challenges within the context of their Child Exploitation investigations in Holland. He interviewed Prof. Vijay Kanabar of MET Computer Science faculty for over two hours asking about various US practices and especially our educational curriculum . They were impressed with how we teach Digital Forensics  to several hundred students each year at a distance, and impressed with how we provide practical exposure to various digital forensics tools to our students.  Prof. Ginny Greiman briefly described her research and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity within this context as well.  Julia Burstein, the Director of IT described to the visitors our virtual environment where the software is housed.


Students, Alumni and Friends – Possibly relatives with the last name Kanabar! Will keep my website alive with some posts. Will not encourage any discussions. No time for that.