
For the past two decades we are proud organizers of the PMiP Conference each year at Boston University.  Please join us this year at


Warburton., R & Kanabar (2018). Project Management – Art and Science.  RW Press, RI.

Kanabar., V and R. Warburton (2008). Project Management Fundamentals, Kaplan Press, New York .

Kanabar. V. (2000), Project Risk Management, Copley Publishing Group, MA.

Kaluzniacky and V. Kanabar. (1996) XBASE Programming for the True Beginner, Irwin Publishing Co., Chicago, IL. (Now McGraw-Hill)

Kanabar, V. (1992).  Modeling of Software Development Effort for the Fourth Generation Environment, (ISBN: 0-315-77925-X), Macromedia, Ottawa.

R. McFadyen, V. Kanabar. (1991) An Introduction to Structured Query Language, Wm.C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA. (Now McGraw-Hill)

Applied Innovative Marketing  with  A. Pandit focus on SEO, SEM, Social Media Engagement, and Analytics